Newsletter #4: The last results

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The Youtube channel of the ERASMUS+ project 22PCS0007 SCALENEo (youtube@scaleneo.erasmusplus) has been enriched with numerous educational videos focusing on two main themes:
  • detailing the content of the hypothesis families and how to use them in our serious game;
  • demonstrating the clinical relevance of quantitative data, and more generally of biomechanical movement analysis.

SCALENEo day 4: closing day

The project’s closing event took place on November 7, 2024 at the Rehazenter (Luxembourg). Following a presentation by Prof. F. Mourad (Lunex) on the various current models of clinical reasoning, R. Hage (CeREF) and M. Colot (UCLouvain) presented SCALENEo’s contribution to the practice of clinical reasoning and the principles that led to the development of pedagogical videos detailing the different families of hypotheses. Prof. K. Buchholtz (Lunex) also provided feedback on the successful integration of SCALENEo into the training of physiotherapists at her university.

SCALENEo international

During the last six months of the project, SCALENEo was presented at the 50th anniversary
congress of IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Therapists) in Basel ( ), and at the congress of AMLA
(Association des Médecins physiques et de réadaptation libéraux algériens) in Algiers ( The SCALENEo project was also presented at the HRS-Kirchberg. The
Kirchberg Hospital’s multidisciplinary management team was able to evaluate the potential of
the Hypothesis Families game as a clinical reasoning tool for cross-functional use in teams, with
very positive feedback!


How to score clinical reasoning?

In order for online gaming to be practiced by a player or players playing without the supervision of an expert, it was necessary to carry out research determining how to score clinical reasoning and in what form feedback would be most beneficial to players. The results of our research are detailed in the article you can read here:

Play and make play

The SCALENEo project is now over, but the story doesn’t stop. New developments of the
project are coming. In the meantime, the team remains available to promote the game in your
institution. Contact us at !

To test the online game independently, log on here:


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