Newsletter #1: SCALENEo on the way!

The project ?

SCALENEo aims to promote an innovative learning tool in musculoskeletal physiotherapy teaching, through a serious game dedicated to clinical reasoning. The serious game is based on a set of cards representing different clinical hypotheses, allowing physiotherapy students or professionals to structure their reasoning from a clinical case. The game will exist both in paper version and online; its theoretical foundations and rules have been presented in Hage et al. (2022).


On Monday 5 June, CeREF had the privilege of welcoming Prof. Mark Jones (University of South Australia), a physiotherapist renowned worldwide for his expertise in clinical reasoning.


Participants were able to discuss his presentation entitled : “Are Physiotherapists too Noisy? Factors Influencing Hypothesis Generation and Strategies to Minimise Errors in ClinicalReasoning and Noise”.

This was followed by a workshop in which the hypothesis family game ( was tested in small groups.

Play !

Would you like to test the Hypothesis Families game? Would you like to take part in developing this tool? Contact us to organise a workshop at your school!

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